Monday, September 6, 2010

Existe un mutilado.

Existe un mutilado,  no de un combate sino de un abrazo, no de la guerra sino de la paz. Perdio el rostro en el amor y no en el odio. Lo perdio en el curso normal de la vida y no en un accidente. Lo perdio en el orden de la naturaleza y no en el desorden de los hombres. 

- Cesar Vallejo.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

September 2nd, 2010. 

The day that my life changed. 

Distance means so little when someone means so much.

I'll never forget you. 

I miss you and I love you.


This is not goodbye, this is a see you later. ♥

Today, one of my best friends left my country to live in France in a boarding school. 
She was not one of the smartest persons, she was not the nicest, she was not the prettiest and the skinniest, but she was one of the people I could trust the most. 
In lunchtime she visited the school to say goodbye to all her friends and schoolmates. Sitting in a circle were 6 friends, her, and me. One of my friends was already crying, I was already feeling depressed, and I could see that they weren't super duper happy neither. We all talked about our memories with her, the times when we laughed, cried, and fought. 

She told every one of us that she loved us, that she was going to miss us like hell, and that we were great friends, or in my case, that I saw her when she was invisible (and no, not in a lesbo-kind of way. It was in a you were my friend when no one cared to be one) but one of the friends who were there, was her friends too in that part of her life. 

When the bell rang to announce that the recess was over.. there all my tears came rushing down and I couldn't stop them. When I turned to see my friends, the one who cried when we were in a circle was drowning in tears. We hugged and took pictures for her to keep. 

We all had bracelets in our hands and the ones who didn't had hairbands. We all gave her one of those so she could remember us when she went to France. Then, it was time to leave. 

That was the moment that all of us cried. If there was among us any girl who didn't cry, I could assure that she felt sad, hollow even. Because we all felt like a part of us was being ripped of our chests. Or at least I did. 

I know that it will take months for me to see her again. 

But I know one thing for sure: Hell can freezes over. Pigs can learn to fly. But I will not forget her. 

I will miss her like hell. 

I love you Twixy

Friends forever and after.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Find a guy...♥

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when your in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who think you are just as pretty without make up on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you. The one who turns to his friends and say, "That's her." 

~ Only if it were that easy...♥

A Partial List of Eternal Truths. ♥

  1. This is it!
  2. There are no hidden meanings.
  3. You can't get there from here, and besides there's no place else to go. 
  4. Nothing lasts!
  5. There is no way of getting all you want 
  6. You can't have anything unless you let go of it. 
  7. You only get to keep what you give away. 
  8. There is no particular reason why you lost out on some things. 
  9. The world is not necessarily just. Being good often foes not pay off and there is no compensation for misfortune. 
  10. You have a responsibility to do your best nonetheless. 
  11. It is a random universe to which we bring meaning. 
  12. You don't really control anything. 
  13. You can't make anyone love you. 
  14. No one is any stronger or any weaker than anyone else. 
  15. Everyone is, in his own way, vulnerable. 
  16. There are no great men/women. 
  17. If you have a hero, look again; you have diminished yourself in some way. 
  18. All of you are worth something, if you will only own it. 
  19. Childhood is a nightmare. 
  20. But it is so very hard to be an on-your-own, take care of yourself because there is no one else to do it for you.
  21. Love is not enough, but it sure helos. 
  22. We have only ourselves, ad one another. That may not be much, but that's all there is. 
  23. How strange, that so often, it all seems worth it. 
  24. We are responsible for everything we do. 
  25. No excuses will be accepted. 
  26. You can run, but you can't hide. 
  27. We must learn the power of living with out helplessness. 
  28. The only victory lies in surrender to oneself. 
  29. You are free to do whatever you like. You need only face the consequences. 
  30. What do you know - for sure - anyway?
  31. Learn to forgive yourself, again and again. 
  32. And again and again. 
     By Sheldon Kopp.

Did you say it?

Did you say it? "I love you. I don't ever want to live without you. You changed my life." Did you say it? Make a plan. Set a goal. Work toward it, but every now and then, look around; Drink it in 'cause this is it. It might all be gone tomorrow. 

- Meredith Gray, Gray's Anatomy.

My Forever.♥

"Okay", he said. He took a breath. "What would you do, if you could do anything?" I took a step toward him, closing the space between us. "This" I said. And then I kissed him. 
 Kissed him. There, in the middle of the street, as the world went on around us. Behind me, I knew Jason was still waiting for an explanation, my sister was still lecturing, and that angel still had her eyes skyward, waiting to fly. As for me, I was just trying to get it right, whatever that meant. But now I finally felt I was on my way. Everyone had a forever, but given a choice, this would be mine. The one that began in this moment, with Wes, in a kiss that took my breath away, then gave it back - leaving me astounded, amazed, and most of all, alive.

Fragment of The Truth About Forever.
By Sarah Dessen. 

Sunday, August 29, 2010

How it starts...♥

"Okay, what's going on here? What the heck is this? Oh my God. What's this feeling in the pit of my stomach? Who is this - this amazing creature before me? I looked at Rosemary and just felt so, um, confused. She's a girl. I'm supposed to despise girls, not feel nervous talking to one, not feel tongue-tied. I mean this was Rosemary Telesco, I knew her since Kindergarten!"

- Gabe, Little Manhattan.


"Love is an ugly, terrible business practiced by fools. It'll trample your heart and leave you bleeding on the floor. And what does it really get you in the end? Nothing but few incredible memories that you can't ever shake. The truth is, there's gonna be other girls out there. I mean, I hope. But I'm never gonna get another first love. That one is always gonna be her."

- Gabe, Little Manhattan.

What Love is About.. ♥

"Love isn't about ridiculous little words. Love is about grand gestures. Love is about airplanes pulling banners over stadiums, proposals on jumbo-trons, giant words in sky writing. Love is about going that extra mile even if it hurts, letting it all hang out there. Love is about finding courage inside of you that you didn't even know was there."
- Little Manhattan.